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Announcements and News


  • Worship is on Sundays at 9am! All are welcome for worship, or join us through Facebook.

  • Youth Faith Formation We are partnering with West Union again to offer Youth Faith Formation (YFF).  YfFF will be held on Wednesday nights from 6:30-8:00pm at West Union.  It's open to 6th-12th graders and will serve as Confirmation learning for 6th, 7th & 8th graders. 

  • Sunday School Classes are held for children ages 3 through grade 5 on Sundays from 10am-11am. 

  • Gathering Thru Fellowship Our next Gathering Thru Fellowship is on Saturday, October 5th at 10am.  We will be making toilet paper pumpkins.    

  • Quilt Retreat The quilting group is hosting a retreat on October 24th & 25th from 9am-5pm each day.  If you are interested in joining, please call the church office.  Cost is $5 per day, bring your own lunch. 

  • Outreach & Evangelism Committee We are looking for more members with ideas for the Outreach Committee.  If you are interested, please let the church office know. 

  • Bible Study continues every Tuesday morning at 10am in the Parish Center.  Wednesday evening bible study is on Wednesday evenings at 6:30pm. All are welcome!

  • Facebook Prayers & Wednesday Devotions Join Pastor Bryant on Monday mornings on the East Union Facebook page to gather together to lift up prayers for our community and the world.  On Wednesdays on Facebook, Pastor Bryant will host weekly devotions, studying the upcoming Sunday's Gospel reading.

  • Towel Ministry East Union has an active role in a Towel Ministry to help the East Union/Love INC. Would you consider a gift of towels, money, or Koh's cash? How about volunteering to do some towel deliveries?  We could really use your help volunteering, training will be provided.  Please pray about this and contribute in any way you can. Thank you.
  • Food Shelf Donations There is a grocery cart in the Parish Center ready to accept your donations. If you would rather give a monetary donation, please write "food shelf" on your check and give it to the office or put it in the offering plate on Sunday.  Your donations are greatly appreciated!

  • Card Ministry The Card Ministry Team is here for anyone in need of Christ's love through a card.

  • Worship & Music Your Worship & Music Team invites you to consider helping with worship.  We could use folks that would acolyte, bake homemade bread, bring flowers to decorate the altar, learn our A/V system, offer special music, or join the choir.  

  • Change of Address Please note our PO part of our mailing address: 15180 County Road 40, PO Box 283, Carver, MN 55315

  • Make your voice heard - Please contribute news, information and announcements. Submit your items to the office by email eastunionlc@gmail.com or hand in your news at the Parish Office.

  • What's new with you? New email, change of home address, new phone number, new baby, new spouse? Please email eastunionlc@gmail.com with your news - join us in the effort to keep up with you.

  • Like us on Facebook! - Check out East Union on Facebook and make sure you like us! 

Upcoming Special Events 

(visit our calendar for a listing of all EULC events)

  • Gathering Thru Fellowship - October 5th
  • Quilt Retreat - October 24th & 25th
  • Trunk or Treat - October 26th
  • Swedish Fall Dinner - November 3rd
  • Sunday School Christmas Program & Potluck - December 15th