Care for Creation Committee
We are called by God to "keep the earth" (Genesis 2:15). The Care for Creation committee assist the congregation to live in an environmentally sensitive manner and provide a positive influence in our community. To that end, the committee sponsors local action including:
- EULC Prairie Restoration
- Involvement in the Carver County Roadside sponsorship program
- Recycling programs within the church
The Care for Creation committee identifies and advocates for:
- ELCA endorsed programs supporting environmental issues
- Local opportunities to sustain and improve the world God has given us
You can also visit the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) Caring for Creation page for more resources.
"Humans, in service to God, have special roles on behalf of the whole of creation. Made in the image of God, we are called to care for the earth as God cares for the earth." (ELCA, "Caring for Creation: Vision, Hope, and Justice," 1993).