Faith in Action
Ask yourself this: Why do I serve? After pondering this question for a time, it's not difficult to come up with a list of compassionate reasons and motives for serving. As Christians, we are called to serve out of love for our neighbor, unbound by obligation and freed by what God has already done in Jesus Christ. Service is our response to this Good News. We are invited into the work that God is already doing in the world for the sake of others.
Our hope as a community of East Union Lutheran Church is to be people who express an attitude of service in how we live our day-to-day lives. Service, then, goes far beyond just signing up "to serve." Service is recognizing who is need and extending the love of God through action.
Here are some resources and ideas for serving on your own or as a family:
- Feed My Starving Children – Multiple locations around the Twin Cities (as well as mobile pack options)
- An organization that packs and sends meals formulated for malnourished children around the world.
- Love INC Towel Ministry